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The Ninth Circle


Lead: Open

Welcome to hell on earth, literally. It all started with an apple and a silly woman that easily fell for a demon's treachery. After that, demons realized that by corrupting God's creations, they could not only gain souls to help them in the eternal war, but piss off God. Who could possibly ask for more? After this, Satan decided to send legions of his hellions to corrupt mortals and trick them into contracts that would give him dominion over their immortal soul.


After years of free reign over the mortal world, God then sent his angels to try to put a damper on their little games. Little did they know they just made it all the much better. Now on top of playing with the mortals of this realm, they could eradicate the plague that were angels from existence. Game. On. 

Members and Ranks

  • Malignas: The highest ranking demon in the group. He takes care of his own and delegates, as well as commands in fights. 


  • Vicaria: The vicaria is the second in command of the Ninth Circle. 

  • Pugnae: The Pugnae are those that are trusted within the Ninth Circle as an elder would in the vampire community. They're extremely knowledgeable, and can help guide those under them.  


  • Corruptorem: The corruptorem specialize in corrupting mortals to give in to their inner desires. 


  • Insectator: The Warriors of the Ninth Circle.



Please note that ranks may be modified once a lead is found. If you would like to take over this Faction, please message an admin on discord. 

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