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Blood Magic


Blood magic, often performed by those with questionable allegiances, relies on a blood sacrifice to be paid in order for the magic to be performed. In other words, the blood of the caster or the blood of the victim must be paid for the spell to be successful. However, there are also severe side-effects from the use of this magic, and using large amounts of the wielder’s own blood will cause fatigue, anxiety, blue lips and fingernails, chest pain, and profuse sweating.


Healing: Allows the caster to regenerate blood cells faster, which in turns speeds up the healing process. This spell, however, cannot heal broken bones, ligaments, muscles, etc. It is simply the act of healing through the blood.


Blood Poisoning: Despite the term ‘poison’ this does not effectively kill another. Instead, this spell is used to make a person very ill in the immediate, with the after-effects lasting up to 2 RP days. After-effects may include: fatigue, nausea, hallucinations, sweating, fever, or headache.


Control of Body Temperature: Through the change in blood temperature, a person may find that their body temperature rises or falls depending. In some cases, increased blood temperature can result in temporary (per scene) blood clotting or a cardiac arrest and will likely need medical care.


Blood Flow Control/Torture: Through the ability to control the flow of blood, some casters have become skilled in the art of torture through blood magic. Due to the number of years that it takes many to acquire the skills to be sufficient in this specific ability it is often a rarity, with many utilizing blood flow in less severe forms.


Linking: The ability to bind two creatures together by a blood bond. This skill can be used in a variety of different ways such as creating a link with/tracking enemies, binding two in love, as well as many other creative uses depending on the caster.


Open Wounds: Blood is pulled from a targets wounds, successfully reopening old woulds that may be healed. This needs wounds to have been formed- scarred skin would not reopen, but scabbed wounds or recently stitched wounds that are still healing would be at the mercy of this spell.


Mirrored Wounds: Any wound done to yourself will appear in the body of your enemy. Can only target one person at a time.


Blood Haze: You cloud your target's vision with blood, blinding them temporarily.


Blood Spray: As the blood is spilled from a fresh wound, it creates a force that pushes all things in its immediate surrounding back.


Blood Bound Command: Any target around you that has your blood in their system will be unable to fight back your command when you cast this spell. It takes a blood sacrifice per command. Cannot command the target to do something extremely against their nature, like love someone they don't or commit suicide. 


Blood Golem: Pools all available blood in the area, or what is given for the spell, and forms a living golem made of blood. The Golem stays for a total of 3 post rounds before evaporating into nothing. 


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