Dark Magic
Light magic and dark magic is often referred to as the magic of good and evil. Created as the yin and yang of the supernatural world, casters of both magics tend to find themselves at war with one another. A caster must choose either light or dark magic (they cannot have both), with Angels having a natural affinity for light magic and Demons an affinity for dark magic. For the most part, there are not many side-effects to the use of this sort of magic, with the exception of a sense of fatigue after they are used. All spells take two posts to enact and should include changing and casting.
Weapon Crafting: Depending on the type of magic, weapons may be forged either out of an entity of light (for light magic casters) or the depths of the shadows (for dark magic casters). These weapons are only good for the scene in which they are forged, and are no stronger than a weapon garnered by natural means.
Light Manipulation: Dark magic users have the ability to manipulate shadows, and even temporarily blind (2 posts) an opponent by blending the shadows around them.
Cloaking: Dark magic casters are able to cloak themselves in areas of darkness.
Binding Contracts: By channeling the energy of the other side, they’re able to create a contract with mortals, where the wish must be stated clearly, as well as the price. This is a binding contract that can
only be broken by someone that practices light magic. (If the other person the contact is for uses light magic, it can only be broken by another light magic user)
Despair: Dark magic users, at a great cost, are able to drain another creature of their energy, greatly debilitating them. The spell lasts no longer than 2 rp hours, and it will drain the caster as much as it drains the other person.
Shroud of Night: Blanket an area in a cloud of unnatural shadow that obscures light, sound and heat. Only lasts a total of 2 post rounds.
Arms of the Abyss: Summon black tentacles from the shadows to assist you for a total of 2 post rounds.
Nightshades: Create temporary items made from shadows.
Tenebrous Form: Transform into pure shadow that can only be harmed by fire, sunlight or magic. The longer the caster remains in this shape, the more energy it consumes and the weaker the caster becomes.
Shadow Twin: Animate your Shadow to be another version of you. The longer you animate your shadow, the more energy it drains from the caster.
Astral Portal: Creates a portal to the astral plane, can be used to transport others to the astral plane.
Summon a Demon: Summons a minor creature from the depths of hell to do their bidding for a small time. Can be used to follow others, or to aid in fighting.