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Occlumency, otherwise known as mind magic, is a very powerful form of magic but it is also highly fragile, unstable, and unpredictable. Mind magic is performed by the caster linking their own mind to another, and wielding it either in defensive or offensive maneuvers. Due to the delicate state of a creature’s mind, those who are able to wield this magic use it sparingly, for the side-effects on the caster, as well as those on which it is used, are often unknown prior to it’s casting. The severity of the side effects, however, is often known by those who have practiced this art.


Reading Minds: The spell of reading minds is often one of the easiest to perform with those who allow access to the caster. It is also spell with side-effects that are the least severe. However, for someone who refuses entrance to a mind reader, the side-effects on both can be long-lasting depending on the length of time the spell is cast (this can be anything from a headache to temporary insanity or blindness).


Memory Manipulation: One of the more difficult spells to perform, memory manipulation is also one of the most unstable. A caster must have complete concentration, with any background noise or commotion acting as a potential threat to its success. In fact, no caster has been known to use this spell in battle without some sort of side-effect. In some cases, the use of this spell has been known to cause temporary insanity to both the caster and the vessel. Regardless of side-effects however, for those who are able to successfully enter the mind of another, they will have the ability to alter, delete, or insert

memories. (Players must be within 5m of each other for the caster to maintain control).


Memory Imprinting: For a willing vessel, there are no side effects for the sharing of memories. This spell is considered elementary, and one of the first that are learned by those who train in this art.


Mind Resistance: Mental resistance is one of the most important skills one trained in occlumency can wield. It allows a caster to shield their mind from the invasion of mind charms or others who are skilled in this art. It also gives them a mental resiliency that allows them to endure many types of torture without feeling (immediately) the pain or suffering that their body endures. However, for one who does utilize this skill, they are unable to practice any other form of magic, for all their focus must be retained to keep up this defense.


Mesmerize: By holding a target with your gaze, you can implant false thought or hypnotic suggestions in a target's mind. It is likely to fail if the target has high willpower. 


Possession: Transfer your mind into a mortal body and control their actions for a short amount of time. The longer the caster is in that body, the more detrimental to their mental state. 


Fealty: Enforce oath that a target makes so that they cannot be broken. 


Tranquility: Can calm a being, to the point that they can even calm those in frenzy with a single touch. 


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